ThetaHealing Basic DNA Online

Therapy : Theta Healing
Language : English
Session Type : Online

Do call us at +919342405542, if you wish to speak with us.

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Course teaches you Basic ThetaHealing® Techniques and certifies you as a ThetaHealer. ThetaHealing® helps you live your best life; Manifest Abundance, Attract Soul Mates, Fill your life with Love and Joy. 

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ThetaHealing® is a fast growing modality, rooted in the belief that thought is all-powerful. Your thoughts determine how you feel and that affects how you live your life. Your thoughts are driven by belief systems which are formed at different stages in your life. So all of your life experiences, places you live in, people you interact with, go into forming systems of beliefs.

Although influences from this life play an important part in shaping beliefs, they can also be influenced by ancestral memory and past lives. These influences are passed on through cell memory and collective consciousness. What you know in your conscious mind is only 10% to 20% of its total capacity. But your thoughts and actions are often determined by impulses from your subconscious mind – you may know what’s wrong in your life, but you don’t know why. ThetaHealing® gives you tools and techniques to access the subconscious mind, to know the reasons that are driving patterns in your life and to change belief systems and thought patterns that do not serve you.

Through ThetaHealing® meditation, we consciously enter a Theta Brainwave State. Theta Brainwave is the state your mind is in when you dream. In this state, you can access parts of your subconscious mind, illuminating belief systems that drive patterns in your life.

A Theta healer can help you navigate through this and clear beliefs that don’t serve you, to beliefs that can help you achieve your goals.  Your relationships, life purpose, lifestyle and your health, can all change to what you desire.

In this way, through a journey inwards, by peeling layers of your subconscious, that hold you back, ThetaHealing® brings you closer to living your best life.


ThetaHealing® Basic DNA – DAY 1

Introduction to the ThetaHealing® Basic DNA technique: Learning about Vianna Stibal’s journey; instant healing of the tumor in her leg and her discovery of the Theta Healing method

Awakening of Intuitive Capabilities: Understanding how to awaken intuitive abilities using seven keys: Power of Words and Thoughts, Brain Waves, Psychic senses and Chakras, Free Will, Power of Observation, Making a command

Road map to all that is: The process of connecting your mind to the Universal Source, using guided visualization

Remote Viewing: Connecting with the Universal Source using Theta Brain waves, using Body Scans and Remote Viewing

How to conduct Healings: Understanding the Principles of Healing and how to conduct both Individual and Group healings

Belief Work: Understanding the significance of beliefs, where they stem from, how they affect one’s outlook and choices in life and how to change negative beliefs to positive ones 

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA – DAY 2

Belief Work: Finding the source of a belief by peeling layers of thoughts; and learning how to change it into a constructive belief through ThetaHealing® Basic DNA workshop

Learning how to create new Feelings through ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Techniques: Understanding how to learn, experience and define feelings that you haven’t experienced, e.g. Unconditional Love, feeling Supported, True Joy

Combating Fear and the 3 R’s: Understanding how fear negatively affects progress, and exploring how Resentment, Rejection and Regret create negativity, acting as a barrier between you and your healing

Understanding the Planes of Existence: Planes are a measure to a person’s consciousness. E.g. Minerals belong to the 1st plane of existence; Vitamins and Plants to the 2nd plane; Animals and Humans to the 3rd plane and so on

Power of Manifestation: A type of Meditation that allows you to create your own reality by manifesting anything you want in life

Guardian Angels: Learning how to connect and speak to them by using ThetaHealing®  Basic DNA techniques.

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA – DAY 3

Psychic Hooks: Learning how to remove psychic hooks from your energy spaces – we create energy hooks as we get emotionally attached to people, especially feeling of sympathy, pity or concern. This is how a mother knows her child is ill far away from her. However, hatred, anger and obsessive love can also create hooks which do not allow you to function at your optimal best

Affairs of the Soul: Understanding what a soulmate is and learning to manifest soulmates in your life

Sickness and Disease: Understanding the relationship between your beliefs and the sickness they attract

Future Reading

Radiation Exercise: When your cellphone is on, it emits potentially harmful Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs). Side effects caused by these EMFs can range from disrupted sleep patterns to changes in your DNA. Learn how to protect yourself from this danger by clearing excessive radiation accumulated in your aura

Query Form


FEE: The Total Amount to be paid is the Total Fee, which is the sum of Registration Fee plus Workshop Fee, Rs 42,000 (Rs 12,000 + Rs 30,000). Do book now, seats are limited.

TOTAL FEE: Rs 42,000 (Rs 12,000 + Rs 30,000)

This is the sum of Registration Fee plus Workshop Fee. If you are paying this, you don’t need to pay the Registration Fee and Workshop Fee separately Do choose the option Total Fee in the dropdown above ‘Add to Cart’ to pay this fee.
To complete the Practitioner Certification, each student must be present and on time for the full schedule of the seminar and must have completed all the payments (Registration Fee + Workshop Fee) before the start.
The student must comply with Prerequisites, if any, mentioned at the start of this page to be able to attend the Workshop and complete the Practitioner Certification.

REGISTRATION FEE: Rs 12,000 (Non-Refundable)

The student must comply with Prerequisites, if any This Fee covers the coordination and registration for the event, you can register for the seminar on paying this Fee Registration Fee is not refundable Each student must have completed all the payments (Registration Fee + Workshop Fee) before the start of the Workshop Do choose the option ‘Registration Fee’ in the dropdown above ‘Add to Cart’ if you are registering for the Workshop. You can also choose to pay TOTAL FEE to register and complete the entire payment for the Workshop.


Includes All Taxes You need to pay this in addition to the Registration Fee Do choose the option ‘Workshop Fee’ in the dropdown above ‘Add to Cart’ to pay this Fee.

Ruchira Puri Pujari

Ruchira Puri Pujari is a Certified Advanced ThetaHealer and Instructor. This means that she connects with her inner Light, and helps others connect with theirs, in order to conduct a compassionate healing inquiry from a meditative state into what lies behind what seems broken. She deals with the parts of us that we struggle to accept; the parts that elicit shame or fear; the parts that lie in shadow. She deals with the wounds of this life, and the wounds of past lives carried forward. This is how she heals. What is most important to note is that this is a practice in stimulating lucidity from a place of love and understanding, in creating excitement at the prospect of positive growth, and most of all in shifting one’s experience of themselves, and of life, towards joy. 

Since discovering her soul’s calling she has had the great privilege to be a part of many healing journeys, and has helped her clients to see their true and beautiful selves. These healings have ranged from mental and physical illnesses, to abundance issues, relationship issues, motivational issues, a lack in purpose, a surplus of fear, the difficulty of loss, career issues, and more. Among her clients, there have been astounding successes: one client found relief from the clinical depression that she had been battling for eight years within two sessions, while another client healed from a persistent backache which had troubled him for four years in a single session alone. These are only a couple of examples of the numerous cases in which the healings she offers have made a significant and tangible difference in people’s lives.