
5 Essential oils useful in Holistic Healing.

Aromatherapy plays an important role in Holistic healing by balancing the mind, body and soul. It uses essential oils extracted from parts of plants. Most pure essential oils are extracted from plants through steam distillation; flowers, stems, bark and leaves are used in this process.


How is Pranic Healing used with Modern Medicine?

What is Prana?

“Prana” is a Sanskrit word which actually means a life force. It is the Universal Energy which sustains our life. It is the only thing that creates the fundamental difference between a living and dead person.


What are chakras and how chakra healing works?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word and it literally means wheel or circle with spokes. The concept of chakras is found in early Hindu and Buddhist texts. Buddhism mentions the existence of only 5 Chakras, whereas Hinduism believes that your body is a house of six or seven Chakras.


7 Holistic healing methods which can transform your life

Holistic healing modalities use a combination of complementary and alternative systems of medicine and healing. These may sound vastly different from therapies we are accustomed to, but are very effective in healing the mind, body and soul, for a healthier and happier life. Holistic healing empowers you to take responsibility for your well-being and to take charge of your life.